At whose request , Hazart Abu Bakar ( R.A) entrusted the task of compilation of the holy Quran to Zaid bin Sabit (R.A) ...? Mcqs

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At whose request , Hazart Abu Bakar ( R.A) entrusted the task of compilation of the holy Quran to Zaid bin Sabit (R.A) ...?

(i) Hazart Ali ( R.A)
(ii) Hazart Usman ( R.A)

(iii) Hazart Umer (R.A)
(iv) Hazart Abu Bakar ( R.A)

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Synonym of “culpable” is _________...?

(i) free
(ii) guilty

(iii) vindicable
(iv) wholesome

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Atique is the title of ...?

(i) Hazrat Abu Bakar
(ii) Hazrat Umar

(iii) Hazrat Usman
(iv) Hazrat Ali

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The autobiography 'Living History' has been authored by...?

(i) Margaret atwood
(ii) Benazir Bhutto

(iii) Hilary Clinton
(iv) Monica Lewinsky

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After typing header text, how can you quickly enter footer text...?

(i) Click on Switch between Header & Footer then type the text
(ii) Press PageDown key and type the text for footer

(iii) Both of above
(iv) None of above

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Synonym of WARY is...?

(i) Heedless
(ii) Negligent

(iii) Prudent
(iv) Reckless

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How much trade is made through the South China Sea...?

(i) 5.3 billion USD
(ii) 2.5 billion USD

(iii) 3.5 billion USD
(iv) 5.3 trillion USD 80% global trade

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Which country is not a member of ASEAN...?

(i) Cambodia
(ii) Indonesia

(iii) Malaysia
(iv) Bangladesh

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Choose the correct sentence...?

(i) These news are not so good
(ii) These news is not so good

(iii) The news are not so good
(iv) This news is not so good

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Which one of the following word is most similar to ” characterized by or showing interest or concern”...?

(i) Forlorn
(ii) Delinquent

(iii) Solicitous
(iv) All of the above

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