Average weight of 10 people increased by 1.5 kg when one person of 45 kg is replaced by a new man.Then weight of the new man is...? Mcqs

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Average weight of 10 people increased by 1.5 kg when one person of 45 kg is replaced by a new man.Then weight of the new man is...?

(i) 50
(ii) 60

(iii) 70
(iv) 75

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Who is the Author of “The Myth of independence”?

(i) Shahid Rafique
(ii) I.H. Qureshi

(iii) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
(iv) Aysha Jalal

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Who was the prime minister of India at the time of Tashkent agreement...?

(i) Lal bahadur Shastri
(ii) Indira Gandhi

(iii) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
(iv) Rajiv Gandhi

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Which of the following country has declared 2019 as “Year of Tolerance”...?

(i) Germany
(ii) France

(iii) UAE
(iv) None of these

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Who is the Current Chief Minister of Sindh...?

(i) Qaim Ali Shah
(ii) Jam Mir Kamal Khan

(iii) Maqbool Baqar
(iv) Syed Murad Ali Shah

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Which of the following has the maximum density...?

(i) Water
(ii) Ice

(iii) Benzene
(iv) Chloroform

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When a gas turns into a liquid the process is called:...?

(i) Condensation
(ii) Evaporation

(iii) Deposition
(iv) Sulimation

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The tomb of Hazrat Abu Ayyub al-Ansari is situated at___________...?

(i) Ankara
(ii) Madina

(iii) Istanbul
(iv) None of these

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Which key on the keyboard can be used to slide show...?

(i) F1
(ii) F2

(iii) F5
(iv) F10

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Synonym of Wheedle ___________________...?

(i) Fast
(ii) Cajole

(iii) Waive
(iv) Slander

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