Baffin Island is located in which country...? Mcqs

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Baffin Island is located in which country...?

(i) USA
(ii) Canada

(iii) Mexico
(iv) Cuba

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The Capital of Libya is:...?

(i) Kathmandu
(ii) Brasilia

(iii) Tripoli
(iv) None of these

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Better to be untaught than. Ill taught IS in ...?

(i) Adjective
(ii) Noun

(iii) Verb
(iv) None of these

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The famous book "The Republic" was written by...?

(i) Socrates
(ii) Plato

(iii) Aristotle
(iv) Alexander

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Electron was discovered by:...?

(i) Rutherford
(ii) J.J Thomson

(iii) James Chadwick
(iv) None Of These

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Which country has the oldest flag of the world...?

(i) America
(ii) Denmark

(iii) Japan
(iv) None of these

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Why Afghanistan oppose Pakistan membership in UNO:...?

(i) Durand Line
(ii) Indian Pressure

(iii) Insurgency
(iv) one of these

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World Population Day is celebrated on...?

(i) 11th July
(ii) 11th June

(iii) 11th May
(iv) None of these

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The largest among the following is...?

(i) Galaxy
(ii) The Earth

(iii) The Sun
(iv) A solar system

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Which of the following rivers crosses the equator twice...?

(i) Amazon
(ii) Congo

(iii) Nile
(iv) Ganga

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