Battle of Plassey was fought in________...? Mcqs

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Battle of Plassey was fought in________...?

(i) 1674
(ii) 1666

(iii) 1757
(iv) 1707

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Choose the meaning of Urdu word...?اشفتہ

(i) All of a sudden
(ii) Distressed

(iii) Restlessness
(iv) None of these

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Surah Saba is _________ surah...?

(i) Makki
(ii) Madani

(iii) both
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following country has more than one capital...?

(i) South Africa
(ii) Bolivia

(iii) Netherlands
(iv) All of these

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What is Nuclear Fission...?

(i) Atom splits into two masses
(ii) Small atoms join each other

(iii) Helium broken into proton and electron
(iv) All of these

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Which of the following is not a valid Zoom percentage in Excel...?

(i) 10
(ii) 100

(iii) 300
(iv) 500

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which is the most authentic book of Fiqh Jafaria?...?

(i) Al-Kafi
(ii) Pentateuch

(iii) Asol arbia
(iv) None of these

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From Which Word ‘Aqeeda’ is Derived...?

(i) Aqleed
(ii) Aqaid

(iii) Aqd
(iv) Taqleed

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How many years Angela Merkel served as the Chancellor of Germany...?

(i) 08
(ii) 10

(iii) 16
(iv) 18

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Synonym of VALOUR is...?

(i) Stable
(ii) Coward

(iii) Heroism
(iv) Fear

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