Before Damascus which city was the capital of Muslim Empire...? Mcqs

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Before Damascus which city was the capital of Muslim Empire...?

(i) Baghdad
(ii) Kufa

(iii) Makkah
(iv) Madina

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Sadako Sasaki was a___________victim....?

(i) World War i
(ii) World War ii

(iii) Napoleonic Wars
(iv) Russian Civil War

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Ascorbic acid is...?

(i) Vitamin A
(ii) Vitamin C

(iii) Vitamin D
(iv) non of these

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Harare is the capital of...?

(i) Zimbabwe
(ii) Hong Kong

(iii) Uganda
(iv) Panama

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Choose the correct meaning of the idiom from the provided options I can help out "at a pinch" if you need a babysitter...?

(i) Day and night
(ii) On regular basis

(iii) In case of an emergency
(iv) Under close supervision

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After ________ month at Madina the change of Qibla occurred....?

(i) 15
(ii) 16

(iii) 17
(iv) 18

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Choose the antonym of Venerate:...?

(i) Criticize
(ii) Abuse

(iii) Accuse
(iv) None of these

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The tomb of Hazrat Yahya (AS) is in_______...?

(i) Madina, KSA
(ii) Jerusalem, Palestine

(iii) Damascus, Syria
(iv) Baghdad, Iraq

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______________ met with Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) on the 6th heaven during Shab-e-Miraj....?

(i) Hazrat Musa (AS)
(ii) Hazrat Idrees (AS)

(iii) Hazrat Yahya (AS)
(iv) Hazrat Haroon (AS)

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The headquarter of Green Peace International is located in _________....?

(i) Amsterdam
(ii) Geneva

(iii) Lisbon
(iv) Austria

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