Bhoja Air was the Airline of which country...? Mcqs

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Bhoja Air was the Airline of which country...?

(i) Pakistan
(ii) Bangladesh

(iii) Iran
(iv) India

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The largest planet of the solar system is___________...?

(i) Earth
(ii) Mars

(iii) Jupiter
(iv) Saturn

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Solve the equation 1/10 =...?

(i) 0.01
(ii) 0.1

(iii) 1.0
(iv) 10

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The ratio of ages of two students is 3:2. One is older to the other by 5 years. What is the age of the younger student...?

(i) 2 years
(ii) 10 years

(iii) 15 years
(iv) None of these

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Which shortcut key is used to insert a new worksheet in MS Excel...?

(i) Shift + F8
(ii) Shift + F9

(iii) Shift + F10
(iv) Shift + F11

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________was a prominent Punjabi folk music singer of Pakistan, credited with popularizing the musical term Jugni...?

(i) Inayut Hussain Bhatti
(ii) Tufail Niazi

(iii) Alam Lohar
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “staid” is _________...?

(i) weary
(ii) remaining

(iii) sedate
(iv) afraid

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What does IWMI stand for...?

(i) International Water Management Institute
(ii) International Waste Management Institute

(iii) Irrigation Water Management Institute
(iv) None of these

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A car travels at the speed of 36 km per hour. What is the distance traveled by the car with in 20 second in meter:...?

(i) 100 m
(ii) 150 m

(iii) 200 m
(iv) 250 m

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a feature that automatically corrects common spelling error is called...?

(i) autoCorrect
(ii) auto text

(iii) smart tags
(iv) none of these

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