BIOS stands for ______...? Mcqs

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BIOS stands for ______...?

(i) Board input/output system.
(ii) Back the input/output system.

(iii) Behind input/output system.
(iv) Basic input/output system.

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Which of the following you can paste selectively using paste special command...?

(i) Validation
(ii) Formats

(iii) Formula
(iv) All of these

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How many types of Ijma are there____________...?

(i) Three
(ii) four

(iii) Two
(iv) five

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Who is the author of the book "The Clash of Civilizations"?...?

(i) Alvin Tofflier
(ii) Toynbee

(iii) Samuel P Huntington
(iv) None of these

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The smallest country in the world is:...?

(i) Vatican City
(ii) Maldives

(iii) Turkey
(iv) Angola

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In a network with 25 computers which topology would require the most extensive cabling?...?

(i) Star
(ii) Mesh

(iii) Bus
(iv) None of the above

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Foundation of Muslim League was at...?

(i) Aligarh
(ii) Lahore

(iii) Dhaka
(iv) None of these

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Inclination means...?

(i) Aversion
(ii) Attitude

(iii) Aptitude
(iv) None of these

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In Global Terrorism Index ranking Pakistan stands at which number...?

(i) 3
(ii) 5

(iii) 7
(iv) 10

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Choose the correct meaning of: Hide one's light under a bushel...?

(i) To save electricity
(ii) To conceal one's telnet

(iii) To avoid lime light
(iv) None of these

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