Brass gets discolored in air because of the presence of which of the following gases in air:...? Mcqs

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Brass gets discolored in air because of the presence of which of the following gases in air:...?

(i) Carbon dioxide
(ii) Hydrogen sulfide

(iii) Nitrogen
(iv) Oxygen

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Days and night are equal all the year at ...?

(i) New York
(ii) Nairobi

(iii) Oslo
(iv) Brussels

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Which of the following is considered the deepest lake of the world...?

(i) Lake Victoria
(ii) Lake Superior

(iii) Lake Baikal
(iv) Lake Erie

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_____________ Umm-ul-Momineen received salutation from Allah....?

(i) Hazrat Ayesha (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Khadija (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Maria Qibtiya (RA)
(iv) Hazrat Safia (RA)

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Light year is a unit of _____...?

(i) Light
(ii) Distance

(iii) Time
(iv) All of these

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Which of the following function is used to get the current date...?

(i) Exact ()
(ii) Today ()

(iii) Month ()
(iv) Year ()

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An American air defense system “THAAD” stands for ____________...?

(i) Territory High Altitude Air Deception
(ii) Terminal High Altitude Area Defense

(iii) Territorial High Ariel Across Defense
(iv) Tight High Altitude Area Direction

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Which river is the Tarbela Dam built over:...?

(i) Indus
(ii) Jhelum

(iii) Chenab
(iv) Sutlej

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” TAPI Gas Pipeline Project ” is a natural gas Pipeline being developed by the “Galkynysh “- TAPI Pipeline Company Limited with Participation of the :-...?

(i) IMF
(ii) World Bank

(iii) Asian Development Bank (ADB)
(iv) None of these

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Aligarh School was founded by...?

(i) Allama Iqbal
(ii) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

(iii) Liaqat Ali Khan
(iv) None of these

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