Bronze is an alloy of...? Mcqs

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Bronze is an alloy of...?

(i) Copper and Bronze
(ii) Lead and Tin

(iii) Copper and Tin
(iv) None of these

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Choose one-word substitution of "A part of a word that can be pronounced separately"...?

(i) Sibilant
(ii) Particle

(iii) Syllable
(iv) None of these

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Which prophet of Allah is called Abu Al-Bashar...?

(i) Hazrat Nooh (AH)
(ii) Hazrat Ibrahim (AH)

(iii) Hazrat Adam (AH)
(iv) Hazrat Ayub (AH)

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The extension of PowerPoint is...?

(i) XLS
(ii) PPT

(iii) TXT
(iv) All of these

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Cooking gas is mixture of which of the following two gases...?

(i) Methane & Carbon dioxide
(ii) Oxygen & Nitrogen

(iii) Butane & Propane
(iv) Oxygen & Methane

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Senkak Island is disputed between...?

(i) China and Japan
(ii) China and South Korea

(iii) Japan and South Korea
(iv) Russia and Japan

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NAFTA Stands for __________...?

(i) North American Free Trade Agreement
(ii) North American Fundamental Trading Agreement

(iii) North Atlantic Fundamental Trading Agreement
(iv) North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement

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What is the meaning of Gloss...?

(i) Dull
(ii) Brightness

(iii) Smoothness
(iv) None of these

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She is Working______Midnight...?

(i) from
(ii) to

(iii) since
(iv) None Of These

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Synonym of Gigantic...?

(i) Huge
(ii) Enormous

(iii) Bright
(iv) None of these

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