By default, Word automatically formats each heading in a table of contents as ____________...? Mcqs

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By default, Word automatically formats each heading in a table of contents as ____________...?

(i) bookmarks
(ii) cross-references

(iii) hyperlinks
(iv) word-fields

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Synonym of ABATE is...?

(i) Postpone
(ii) Abandon

(iii) Diminish
(iv) Increase

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Choose the most suitable synonym of underlined word: She was disgusted by her friend's "outrageous" behavior...?

(i) Threatening
(ii) Shocking

(iii) Unbecoming
(iv) Unacoontable

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The ______________ function in Excel returns the highest value in a set of data that you specify...?

(i) AVG
(ii) MAX

(iii) LRG
(iv) None of these

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A type of malware often disguised as Legitimate software is...?

(i) Trojan horses
(ii) PDF

(iii) Chrome
(iv) Safari

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What is the function of CTRL+P in Microsoft Word...?

(i) Open Paragraph Dialog Box
(ii) Open Page Format Dialog Box

(iii) Open Save Dialog Box
(iv) Open Print Dialog box

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German attack on Poland was the immediate cause of...?

(i) World War I
(ii) World War II

(iii) Cold War
(iv) None of these

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SLENA is the news agency of ________...?

(i) Sierra Leone
(ii) Norway

(iii) Bulgaria
(iv) Rome

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Lady named ___________ tried to poison the Holy Prophet ...?

(i) Ayesha
(ii) Razia

(iii) Zainab
(iv) Fatima

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A character that is raised and smaller above the baseline is known as...?

(i) raised
(ii) outline

(iii) subsricpt
(iv) superscript

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