Cape Drastis Beach is located in __________...? Mcqs

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Cape Drastis Beach is located in __________...?

(i) Spain
(ii) Greece

(iii) Germany
(iv) Uk

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The most prestigious literary award “The Booker Prize” first awarded in which year...?

(i) 1999
(ii) 2000

(iii) 2005
(iv) 1969

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Malaysia prominent person who got Independence from Britain...?

(i) Abdur Rahman
(ii) Mahathir Muhammad

(iii) Sultan Azlan Shah
(iv) Abdul Razak Hussein

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The Current Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) is: _________...?

(i) Kofi Annan
(ii) Ban Ki-Moon

(iii) António Guterres
(iv) Boutros Boutros-Ghali

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Which rocks make the earth's surface or crust...?

(i) Sedimentary
(ii) Igneous

(iii) Metamorphics
(iv) All Of Above

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x(yz) (xy)z is a representation of the:...?

(i) associative law
(ii) distributive law

(iii) multiplicative law
(iv) addition law

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The idiom “To bury the hatchet” mean:...?

(i) To make peace
(ii) To make a foolish choice

(iii) To make a wrong decision
(iv) To lose something

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What was the name of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ...?

(i) Abdullah
(ii) Aḥmad

(iii) Abd Kaab
(iv) None of these

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First working laser was developed in 1960 by...?

(i) Max Planck
(ii) Theodore Maiman

(iii) Robert Boyle
(iv) None of these

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Which is coldest city in the world...?

(i) Antarctica
(ii) Yakutsk

(iii) Alaska
(iv) Dalarna

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