Celestial body that affects tides of oceans is...? Mcqs

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Celestial body that affects tides of oceans is...?

(i) Sun
(ii) Moon

(iii) Galaxy
(iv) Meteorite

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Is it necessary for an algorithm to solve a problem with an infinite number of steps?...?

(i) No
(ii) Yes

(iii) Error
(iv) None of these

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Which one of the following is the oldest search engine...?

(i) Google
(ii) Yahoo

(iii) Alta Vista
(iv) MSN

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The name of us envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan is...?

(i) Richard Hallbrooke
(ii) Marc Grossman

(iii) Leon Paneta
(iv) Robber Gate

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Sam bought a 12 pack of soda for $5 40 How much did he pay per can of soda...?

(i) $0 45
(ii) $0 54

(iii) $040
(iv) $2 22

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The meaning of Put on is:...?

(i) Call
(ii) Wear

(iii) Escape
(iv) None of these

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A __________ is a collection of Predefined design elements and color schemes....?

(i) feature
(ii) hyperlink

(iii) palette
(iv) theme

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Synonym of Gauche is ________...?

(i) Awkward
(ii) Elegant

(iii) Sophisticated
(iv) Decent

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Page Down Keyboard Key is used in Microsoft Word to_________...?

(i) Moves the cursor one line down
(ii) Moves the cursor one page down

(iii) Moves the cursor one screen down
(iv) Moves the cursor one paragraph down

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Synonym of “assail” is _________...?

(i) attack
(ii) estimate

(iii) scale
(iv) indict

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