Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party Mao Zedong Died in...? Mcqs

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Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party Mao Zedong Died in...?

(i) September 1976.
(ii) August 1976

(iii) November 1977
(iv) None of these

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Seventh wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______....?

(i) Hazrat Salma (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Zainab binte Jahash (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Zainab binte Khazeema(RA)
(iv) Hazrat Hafsa (RA)

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Given that 543 x 21 =11403. Find the value of 1140.3/5.43. find the value of ...?

(i) 210
(ii) 150

(iii) 120
(iv) 200

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Law of magnet induction proposed by:...?

(i) Michael Faraday
(ii) Ernest Rutherford

(iii) Clerk Maxwell
(iv) Neils Bohr

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A patient requires a 30% decrease in the dosage of his medication. His current dosage is 340 mg. What will his dosage be after the decrease...?

(i) 70
(ii) 238

(iii) 270
(iv) 340

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How many squares has a chessboard ...?

(i) 24
(ii) 52

(iii) 45
(iv) 64

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in 2009 Kerry Lugar bill in US Congress, if approved would provide to Pakistan an annual economic assistance of...?

(i) $ 1.5 Billion
(ii) $ 2.5 Billion

(iii) $ 3.5 Billion
(iv) $ 4.5 Billion

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22 March is observed internationally as...?

(i) Women’s Day
(ii) World Water Day

(iii) World Health Day
(iv) Human Rights Day

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What is meaning of ‘ Man O Salwa ‘ in islam ...?

(i) House of Angels
(ii) Food of Heaven

(iii) Name of Rock
(iv) Door of Hell

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Which daughters of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were first engaged with the two sons of Abu Lahab...?

(i) Hazrat Ruqiya R.A & Zainab R.A
(ii) Hazrat Umme Kalsoom R.A & Hazrat Zainab R.A

(iii) Hazrat Ruqiyya R.A & Hazrat Umme Kalsoom R.A
(iv) None of these

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