Chaj Doab lies between which two rivers...? Mcqs

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Chaj Doab lies between which two rivers...?

(i) Indus and Jhelum
(ii) Chenab and Jhelum

(iii) Chenab and Ravi
(iv) None of these

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Which island is shared by Germany and Poland...?

(i) Olowianka
(ii) Usedom

(iii) Slodowa
(iv) None of the above

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Please fill in the blank. "He gave his wife a large ________ of flowers on her birthday"...?

(i) Bundle
(ii) Pack

(iii) Bouquet
(iv) Group

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The Muslim historian and thinker, Ibn Khuldun, was born in ___________...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Egypt

(iii) Tunisia
(iv) None of these

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What was the name of town in Israel which was the home of Hazrat Issa (A.S) in his youth...?

(i) Tal Aviv
(ii) Haifa

(iii) Safed
(iv) Nazareth

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He is a boy of obedience. Obedience in this sentence is what type of noun...?

(i) Common
(ii) Pronoun

(iii) Abstract noun
(iv) Collective

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One who studies/knows foreign languages...?

(i) Linguist
(ii) Bilingual

(iii) Polyglot
(iv) Multilingual

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Aitekaaf (Seclusion) during the month of Ramzan is_____________...?

(i) Wajib
(ii) Mustahab

(iii) Sunnah
(iv) Nafl

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In MS Word 2016, which of the following shortcut key is used to use paste special...?

(i) CTRL + ALT + V
(ii) CTRL + V

(iii) CTRL + TAB + V
(iv) ALT + V

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The largest earth filled dam of the world is...?

(i) Tarbela
(ii) Warsak

(iii) Mangla
(iv) None of these

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