Change narration: He said to him, 'Thank you for your kind help...? Mcqs

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Change narration: He said to him, 'Thank you for your kind help...?

(i) He thanked him for his kind help
(ii) He requested him fo his kind help

(iii) He told him for his kind help
(iv) He asked him for his kind help

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IOC stands for...?

(i) International Olympic Committee
(ii) International Olympic countries

(iii) Indian Olympic Committee
(iv) Italian Olympic Committee

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Basically Booty is the right of...?

(i) Allah Almighty and His Prophet
(ii) Who fight for Islam

(iii) The poor and the miserable
(iv) Orpharis

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Who was the 1st Sahabi to get buried in Jannat ul Baqi...?

(i) Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris RA
(ii) As’asd bin Zararah RA

(iii) Hazrat Zain ul Abideen RA
(iv) Hazrat Usman e Ghani RA

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Allama abdulah Yusuf Ali, the famous commentator of the Holy Quran, had served for a while as...?

(i) Professor of GCU
(ii) Professor of Lahore Garrison University

(iii) Principal of Islamic College Lahore
(iv) Principle of Islamic school Lahore

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The first Islamic month is...?

(i) Muharrum
(ii) Safar

(iii) Rajab
(iv) Zool Haja

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The most exemplary administration out of the rightly guided caliphs was that of__________...?

(i) Hazrat Ali (R.A)
(ii) Hazrat Umar (R.A) ✓

(iii) Hazrat Usman (R.A)
(iv) None of these

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The Holy Qur’an was revealed from...?

(i) 607-630 AD
(ii) 610-632 AD

(iii) 608-633 AD
(iv) 609-632 AD

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In MS Excel, to create a formula, you can use:...?

(i) Values but not cell references
(ii) Cell references but not values

(iii) Values or cell references although notboth at the same time
(iv) Both value and cell references

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Choose the word similar meaning to the given word: Zany...?

(i) Clown
(ii) Pet

(iii) Thief
(iv) None of these

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