Change narration; The teacher said to his students whether they liked to draw sketches...? Mcqs

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Change narration; The teacher said to his students whether they liked to draw sketches...?

(i) The teacher said students, "Do you like to draw sketches"
(ii) The teacher said students, "Do you like drawing sketches"

(iii) The teacher said students, "Did you like to draw sketches"
(iv) None of these

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دلی کا دبستان شاعری کس کی کتاب ہے ؟...?

(i) عبد المجید سالک
(ii) انور سدید

(iii) نور الحسن ہاشمی
(iv) قاضی عبد الودود

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Which area has the largest deposits of iron ore in Pakistan...?

(i) Kalabagh
(ii) Chitral

(iii) Saindak
(iv) None of these

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A set of instructions that operates various parts of the Computer Hardware is called...?

(i) Hardware Manager
(ii) Device

(iii) Software
(iv) URL

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Choose the ONE from the following options which exhibits the same analogy as established in the last two words. Forgo________:Undo: Reverse...?

(i) Go
(ii) Begin

(iii) Renounce
(iv) Forget

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Select the most appropriate one-word substitution from the provided options. The condition of being unable to create a piece of written work because something in your mind prevents you from doing it:...?

(i) Writer's Cramp
(ii) Writer's Block

(iii) Writer's Box
(iv) Writer's Barrier

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Which surah is called surah-e-Shukr...?

(i) Surah Ikhlas
(ii) Surah Baqarah

(iii) Surah Fateha
(iv) Surah Al-Rehman

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The Narrowest strait of the world ...?

(i) Strait of Malacca
(ii) Strait of Tartar

(iii) Johar Strait
(iv) Cook Strait

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What is the most important Ebadat of islam from the choices given below...?

(i) Fast
(ii) Zakat

(iii) Hajj
(iv) Namaz

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Banjosa Lake is situated in...?

(i) Swat
(ii) Gilgit Baltistan

(iii) AJK
(iv) Karachi

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