Change the narration the officer said to the peon. "If you do not do your duty well. I will dismiss you" Mcqs

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Change the narration the officer said to the peon. "If you do not do your duty well. I will dismiss you"

(i) The officer told the peon that if he did not do his duty well
(ii) The officer threatened to dismiss the peon if he did not do his duty well

(iii) The officer suggested to the peon that if he did not do his duty well,
(iv) The officer told the peon that he would be dismissed

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Pakistan Steel Mill Karachi was established with the cooperation of ______...?

(i) China
(ii) India

(iii) Nepal
(iv) Russia

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After first Wahi, Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) came home, then his wife Hazrat Khadija (R.A) took him with her to which cousin who was the scholar in inspiration books...?

(i) Warqa bin Nophel
(ii) Umar bin Alaas

(iii) Umar bin Khatab
(iv) Saeed bin Alaas

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How much space in minimum must be provided between columns...?

(i) 0″
(ii) 0.5″

(iii) 1″
(iv) 1.5″

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Synonym of Abrogate...?

(i) Revoke
(ii) Rescind

(iii) Repeal
(iv) All of above

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Anwar Sadat was the president of which country...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Iraq

(iii) Egypt
(iv) Qatar

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The british government sold Kashmir to Gulab singh for how much rupees...?

(i) 6.5 million
(ii) 7.5 million

(iii) 8..5 million
(iv) None of these

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His father passed _______ last Sunday...?

(i) away
(ii) off

(iii) ever
(iv) out

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Average weight of 10 people increased by 1.5 kg when one person of 45 kg is replaced by a new man.Then weight of the new man is...?

(i) 50
(ii) 60

(iii) 70
(iv) 75

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VNA is the news agency of ___________...?

(i) vietnam
(ii) nigeria

(iii) argentia
(iv) algeria

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