Change voice "please pick it up"...? Mcqs

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Change voice "please pick it up"...?

(i) Please let it be picked up
(ii) You are requested to pick it up

(iii) Let me picked it up
(iv) None of these

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By default, your documents print in ________ mode...?

(i) Portrait
(ii) Landscape

(iii) Print View
(iv) Page Setup

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The relationship of Hazrat Loot (AS) with Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) is___________...?

(i) Cousin
(ii) Brother

(iii) Nephew
(iv) None of these

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The biggest fort of Pakistan is:...?

(i) Kot Diji Fort
(ii) Rani Kot Fort

(iii) Rohtas Fort
(iv) None of these

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The sum of five consecutive even numbers of set x is 440. Find the sum of a different set of five consecutive integers whose second least number is 121 less than double the least number of set x...?

(i) 236
(ii) 228

(iii) 240
(iv) 248

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What is the capital of Finland...?

(i) Helsinki
(ii) Oslo

(iii) Ottawa
(iv) None

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Antonym of DOCILE is...?

(i) Pliable
(ii) Pliant

(iii) Quiet
(iv) unyielding

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Which is used to open a website...?

(i) Browser
(ii) Gmail

(iii) Yahoo
(iv) None of these

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Wreck means...?

(i) Ruin
(ii) Certain

(iii) Immaterial
(iv) None of these

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Arafat gathering during Hajj is held on...?

(i) 8 zil Hajj
(ii) 9 Zil Hajj

(iii) 10 Zil Hajj
(iv) 12 Zil Hajj

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