Change voice: Who designed a car?...? Mcqs

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Change voice: Who designed a car?...?

(i) By whom a car designed?
(ii) By whom a car had designed?

(iii) By whom a car was designed?
(iv) By whom a car was being designed?

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Which mountain range separates Asia and Europe...?

(i) Ural
(ii) Andes

(iii) Alps
(iv) Great dividing

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When were Hiroshima and Nagasaki hit by atom bombs...?

(i) August 1945
(ii) June 1945

(iii) April 1944
(iv) None of these

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Largest Barrage of Pakistan...?

(i) Kotri
(ii) Sukkur

(iii) Chasma
(iv) None of these

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In which surah, the tauba of three sahaba is mentioned who lagged behind in the battle of Tabuk...?

(i) Al.Namal
(ii) Al. Baqarah

(iii) Al. Nisa
(iv) Al-Tauba

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Which of the following statement is false in Microsoft Word...?

(i) You can set different header and footer for last page of a section
(ii) You can set different header footer for even and odd pages

(iii) You can set different page number formats for different sections
(iv) You can set different header footer for first page of a section

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City of canals?...?

(i) Egypt
(ii) Israel

(iii) Venice
(iv) Romania

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Who wrote "The Loyal Muhammadans of India":...?

(i) Sir Muhammad Zafar Ullah Khan
(ii) Rehmat Ali

(iii) Fazal-ul-Haq
(iv) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

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At the Simla Conference, the attendees included...?

(i) Jinnah and Liaquat
(ii) Liaquat and Nazimuddin

(iii) Jinnah and Nazimuddin
(iv) Jinnah, Liaquat and Ammir Shamsi

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Antonym of “peaked” is...?

(i) Tired
(ii) Arrogant

(iii) Pointy
(iv) Ruddy

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