Chatty means...? Mcqs

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Chatty means...?

(i) Abusive
(ii) Talkative

(iii) Loud-speaking
(iv) None

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'Ornithology' is the study of...?

(i) Birds
(ii) Insects

(iii) Sea Animals
(iv) Sea Plants

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Vitamins were discovered by...?

(i) Moseley
(ii) Chadwick

(iii) Frank Whittle
(iv) Funk

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What is an other name of famous and largest island of Pakistan...?

(i) Seven Hills Island
(ii) Jazeira Haft Talar

(iii) Astola Island
(iv) All Of These

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A man standing up side down with his face towards south, where will his left hand point...?

(i) East
(ii) West

(iii) North
(iv) South

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How many princely states at the time of subcontinent’s partition decided to join Pakistan out of 565...?

(i) 11
(ii) 12

(iii) 13
(iv) 14

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Why was the Simon Commission sent to India in 1928...?

(i) To look into the indian constitutional matter and suggest reforms
(ii) To choose members of indian council

(iii) To settle disputes between the government and the congress leaders
(iv) To set up a government organization

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How much is one nautical mile in kilometers...?

(i) One nautical mile is equal to 1.852 kilometers.
(ii) One nautical mile is equal to 1.752 kilometers.

(iii) One nautical mile is equal to 1.652 kilometers.
(iv) One nautical mile is equal to 1.552 kilometers.

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How much camels were sacrificed on the occasion of Hajj by Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H)...?

(i) 60 camels
(ii) 63 camels

(iii) 65 camels
(iv) 67 camels

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Which surah of the Holy Quran ends with two prophets name...?

(i) Surah Yusuf
(ii) Surah Ibrahim

(iii) Surah Mujadila
(iv) Surah Al-A’la

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