Chichen Itza is situated in:...? Mcqs

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Chichen Itza is situated in:...?

(i) USA
(ii) Canada

(iii) Mexico
(iv) UK

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The first computer was programmed using...?

(i) Source code
(ii) Assembly language

(iii) Machine language
(iv) Spaghetti code

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In process of photosynthesis gas is released...?

(i) CO2
(ii) O2

(iii) CH4
(iv) All Of Above

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In Surah ________, every verse ends with letter ‘Ra’....?

(i) Buruj
(ii) Dariq

(iii) Kausar
(iv) Shams

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What do you understand by Shoal...?

(i) Large number of insects together
(ii) A large group of horses

(iii) Group of unidentified flying objects
(iv) Large number of fish swimming together

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Composition of Alchemy is written by...?

(i) Ibn Al Haithem
(ii) Jabir Bin Hayan

(iii) Ibn Rushd
(iv) Nasir Al Din

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The Holy Qur’an was revealed from...?

(i) 607-630 AD
(ii) 610-632 AD

(iii) 608-633 AD
(iv) 609-632 AD

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Who is the current chairperson of Competition Commission of Pakistan...?

(i) Vadiyya Khalil
(ii) Rahat Kaunain Hassan

(iii) Joseph Wilson
(iv) None of these

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Who is Newly appointed General Secretary of UNO on 31st December 2016...?

(i) Antonio Guterreson
(ii) Ban-ki-moon

(iii) Peter Thomson
(iv) none of these

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What is the shortcut key of Mark Citation in MS Word...?

(i) Alt + Shift + I
(ii) Alt + Shift + P

(iii) Alt + Shift + B
(iv) Alt + Shift + Q

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