Choose correct antonym for. Pulchritudinous...? Mcqs

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Choose correct antonym for. Pulchritudinous...?

(i) Pacifist
(ii) Rare

(iii) Smooth
(iv) Unsightly

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"Alma Mater" is:...?

(i) An Instrument to gauge rainfall
(ii) A famous tower in Paris

(iii) The place where someone was educated
(iv) investigation centre of Scotland Yard

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Select the pair which has relationship. PROMISE: FULFILL...?

(i) Confession: Hedge
(ii) Law: Enforce

(iii) Pledge: Deny
(iv) None of these

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Ryanair airline belongs to which Country...?

(i) Finland
(ii) Ireland

(iii) Switzerland
(iv) Tajikistan

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Amnesia is ..?

(i) Loss of behalf
(ii) Loss of memory

(iii) Physical inability
(iv) All of above

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Antonym of PACIFIC is...?

(i) Aggressive
(ii) Peaceful

(iii) Hawkish
(iv) Discordant

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Who discovered Penicillin:...?

(i) Alexandar Fleming
(ii) Louis Pasteur

(iii) Howard Florey
(iv) None of these

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Which one of the following is input device...?

(i) Monitor
(ii) Scanner

(iii) Printer
(iv) Speaker

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How many years Angela Merkel served as the Chancellor of Germany...?

(i) 08
(ii) 10

(iii) 16
(iv) 18

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What is 'armageddon'...?

(i) Nations final battle which will end world
(ii) A last day of Universe

(iii) A name of film
(iv) None of these

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