Choose one-word substitution of Policeman riding on motorcycles as guards or VIP...? Mcqs

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Choose one-word substitution of Policeman riding on motorcycles as guards or VIP...?

(i) Attendants
(ii) Commandos

(iii) Servants
(iv) Escort

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Which of the following museums is home to Leonardo da Vinci's iconic masterpiece, the "Mona Lisa", painted between 1503 and 1506...?

(i) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
(ii) The National Gallery, London

(iii) The Louvre Museum, Paris
(iv) The Vatican Museums, Vatican City

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A letterhead should contain all of the following EXCEPT __________....?

(i) full street address
(ii) logo

(iii) complete legal name of the company, group, or individual
(iv) None of the above

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VLSI stands for _____...?

(i) Very large scale integration
(ii) Very large scale immunization

(iii) Very large scale industry
(iv) Very low scale immunization

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Who was known to be the first martyr of Karbala....?

(i) Sakinah bint Hussain
(ii) The tribe of Bani Asad

(iii) Hurr ibn Yazid
(iv) None

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The dress made out of which of the following materials is safest to wear while cooking...?

(i) Silk
(ii) Nylon

(iii) Cotton
(iv) Terylene

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In order to edit a chart, you can _______...?

(i) Click the chart object
(ii) Triple click the chart object

(iii) Click and drag the chart object
(iv) Double click the chart object

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His hand was ______ when it was caught in the door yesterday...?

(i) bruised
(ii) burnt

(iii) rough
(iv) rashed

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The synonym of Outburst is:...?

(i) Static
(ii) Implosion

(iii) Paroxysm
(iv) Calm

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Synonym of "Odour" is:...?

(i) Taste
(ii) Smell

(iii) Colour
(iv) Texture

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