Choose the antonym Embellish...? Mcqs

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Choose the antonym Embellish...?

(i) Adorn
(ii) Furnish

(iii) Simplify
(iv) None of these

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Where is The Pyramids of Giza situated...?

(i) Egypt
(ii) Sudan

(iii) Congo
(iv) South Africa

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What do you mean by vertical separation between columns...?

(i) Orientation
(ii) Gutter

(iii) Margin
(iv) Index

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Which term is not used by intranet?...?

(i) IP
(ii) HTTP

(iii) TCP
(iv) BSNL

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To go to a specific location in a document we use :...?

(i) Macro
(ii) HTML

(iii) Bookmark
(iv) None of the above

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A handwriting that cannot be read :...?

(i) Illegible
(ii) Legible

(iii) Lucid
(iv) None

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One Gigabyte is equal to _____...?

(i) 1024 bits
(ii) 1032 megabytes

(iii) 1024 kilobytes
(iv) 1024 megabytes

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Which country became the 100th member of the World Trade Organization (WTO)...?

(i) Afghanistan
(ii) Kazakhstan

(iii) Saudi Arabia
(iv) Iran

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Maleeha Lodhi served as ambassador of ______...?

(i) US
(ii) UK

(iii) UN
(iv) All of these

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Spot the substitute for the given sentence:A speech delivered without preparation...?

(i) Emigrate
(ii) Exaggerate

(iii) Extempore
(iv) Excommunicate

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