Choose the best antonym: VALIANT...? Mcqs

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Choose the best antonym: VALIANT...?

(i) Diffident
(ii) Vivacious

(iii) Intellectual
(iv) Adroit

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Excel is a ....?

(i) Graphic program
(ii) Word Processor

(iii) A spreedsheet Program
(iv) Deisgining Template

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Spot the substitute for the given sentence:A speech delivered without preparation...?

(i) Emigrate
(ii) Exaggerate

(iii) Extempore
(iv) Excommunicate

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The Funeral prayer Namaz-e-Janaza is____________...?

(i) Fera-e-Ain
(ii) Sunnat

(iii) Farz-e-Kaffaya
(iv) Wajib

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______________ met with Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) on the 1st heaven during Shab-e-Miraj....?

(i) Hazrat Adam (AS)
(ii) Hazrat Idrees (AS)

(iii) Hazrat Yahya (AS)
(iv) Hazrat Haroon (AS)

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کے درست ترجمہ "Out of the frying pan into the fire". کا انتخاب کیجیے۔...?

(i) جل بن مچھلی
(ii) پوری چھوڑ آدھی سے بھی جائے

(iii) آسمان سے گرا کھجور میں اٹکا
(iv) آئے تھے نماز بخشوانے روزے گلے پڑ گئے

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Choose the right one:...?

(i) Neither Ali nor Aslam has taken his test
(ii) Neither Ali nor Aslam have taken his test

(iii) Neither Ali nor Aslam has taken their test
(iv) None of these

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Antonym of haggard...?

(i) Healthy
(ii) Robust

(iii) Hearty
(iv) Plum

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The Civil rights movement in USA was led by...?

(i) James Farmer
(ii) Martin luther king

(iii) Rosa Parks
(iv) None of these

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Maktubat e Islam by Imam Rabbani refers to which reformer:...?

(i) Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi
(ii) Shah Wali Ullah

(iii) Allama Inayat Ullah Mashraqi
(iv) Maulana Shibli Naumani

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