Choose the best meaning of Idiomatic phraseA lion's share...? Mcqs

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Choose the best meaning of Idiomatic phraseA lion's share...?

(i) The part of a lion
(ii) The share of a lion

(iii) Major part
(iv) The lion's escape

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Synonym of “chasten” is _________...?

(i) discipline
(ii) pursue

(iii) sanctify
(iv) stop

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Which of the following is considered the deepest lake of the world...?

(i) Lake Victoria
(ii) Lake Superior

(iii) Lake Baikal
(iv) Lake Erie

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Synonym of “abut” is _________...?

(i) strike
(ii) border on

(iii) cut
(iv) protrude

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Abu Nasr Al-Farabi Died in year...?

(i) 950
(ii) 952

(iii) 954
(iv) None of these

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Dear friend......... I need your help. Fill in the blank with suitable punctuation...?

(i) Comma
(ii) Semi Colon

(iii) Exclamation
(iv) None of these

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If the radius of circle is 1 cm then the area of circle is:...?

(i) 314 mm,
(ii) 314 cm²

(iii) 314 mm²
(iv) None of these

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Area between river Indus and river Jhelum is called __________...?

(i) Riverine of indus and jehlum
(ii) Kachho

(iii) Sindh sagar doab
(iv) None of them

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Which is the biggest company of the computer software in the world...?

(i) Google
(ii) Yahoo

(iii) Microsoft
(iv) MSN

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Bangladesh separated from Pakistan in:...?

(i) 1969
(ii) 1970

(iii) 1971
(iv) 1972

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