Choose the correct meaning of the idiom from the provided options I can help out "at a pinch" if you need a babysitter...? Mcqs

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Choose the correct meaning of the idiom from the provided options I can help out "at a pinch" if you need a babysitter...?

(i) Day and night
(ii) On regular basis

(iii) In case of an emergency
(iv) Under close supervision

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Which of the following is considered the Deepest lake of the world...?

(i) Caspian sea
(ii) Lake mead

(iii) Lake Baikal
(iv) None of these

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What is bulk e-mail known as...?

(i) Arial
(ii) Spam

(iii) Hebrew
(iv) Spool

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Which part of the camera is analogue to the retina in the human eye...?

(i) Lens
(ii) Aperture

(iii) Film
(iv) Shutter

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مسدس حالی کا پہلا ایڈیشن ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ میں شائع ہوا۔۔۔؟

(i) 1823
(ii) 1834

(iii) 1833
(iv) 1879

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The outbreak of Coronavirus initiated as pneumonia of unknown cause in December 2019 in...?

(i) Beijing
(ii) Wuhan

(iii) Tokyo
(iv) None of these

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At the place of Muzdalfa on 9th Zulhajj, Which two prayer are performed together...?

(i) Zohr and Asr
(ii) Maghrib and Eisha

(iii) Asr and Maghrib
(iv) None of them

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What PowerPoint feature will you use to apply motion effects to different objects of a slide?...?

(i) Slide Transition
(ii) Create table using wizard-

(iii) Animation Scheme
(iv) None of these

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'Battle of Mutah' was fought between...?

(i) Muslims andJews
(ii) Muslims and Romans

(iii) Muslims and Quraysh
(iv) Muslims and False Prophets

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Synonym of Notwithstanding is _______________...?

(i) in spite of
(ii) conclusion

(iii) Finally
(iv) none of above

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