Choose the correct Once in a blue moon meaning of the idiom:...? Mcqs

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Choose the correct Once in a blue moon meaning of the idiom:...?

(i) Very easily
(ii) Luckily

(iii) Very rarely
(iv) Sadly

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Rocket propulsion is based on...?

(i) Einstein's Theory of Relativity
(ii) Newton's second law of motion

(iii) Newton's third law of motion
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of BRISKLY is _____________...?

(i) LAZY

(iii) HASTY

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One of the following words means: "A person who cause trouble"...?

(i) Oblivious
(ii) Nuisance

(iii) Traditional
(iv) None of these

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What is the second belief in Iman-e-Mufassal...?

(i) The hereafter life
(ii) The angels of Allah

(iii) The divine books
(iv) The prophets of Allah

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If a batsman is out of the crease and wicket keeper hits the wicket this wicket is called...?

(i) LBW
(ii) Hit wicket

(iii) Stump
(iv) None of these

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Which is the largest river of Pakistan...?

(i) Indus
(ii) Jhelum

(iii) Chenab
(iv) None of these

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Water _______ at 32° Fahrenheit and boils at 212° Fahrenheit...?

(i) Freeze
(ii) Frozen

(iii) Freezes
(iv) None of these

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Nato is ___agency...?

(i) Military
(ii) Educational

(iii) Food
(iv) None Of These

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How many Neutrons in Hydrogen:...?

(i) O
(ii) 1

(iii) 2
(iv) None of these

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