Choose the correct sentence among following...? Mcqs

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Choose the correct sentence among following...?

(i) He was promoted as DSP
(ii) He was promoted DSP

(iii) He was promote DSP
(iv) He promoted as DSP

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The largest automobile manufacturing center in the world is located at ...?

(i) Detroit
(ii) Tokyo

(iii) Birmingham
(iv) Berlin

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What is 'Scotland Yard'...?

(i) Royal family's graveyard in England
(ii) British Criminal Investigation Department

(iii) A palace of British Queen in Scotland
(iv) A museum of natural history in U.K

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Which one is not the official language of United Nations...?

(i) Spanish
(ii) Arabic

(iii) German
(iv) Russia

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Which one of the following is the most powerful computer...?

(i) Personal Computer
(ii) Super Computer

(iii) Mobile Computer
(iv) Power Computer

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What was the total period of Hosni Mubaraks rule as President of Egypt...?

(i) 20 years
(ii) 25 years

(iii) 30 years
(iv) None of these

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Which country recently won the 2023 Rugby World Cup...?

(i) South Africa
(ii) England

(iii) New Zealand
(iv) France

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What is Jobbery...?

(i) Robbery employee performed by previous
(ii) Looking for a job enthusiastically

(iii) Conduct of public business for private gain
(iv) Flattery of superiors

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Famous lok love story of “Sohni Mahiwal” is associated with which river...?

(i) Chenab
(ii) Indus

(iii) Ravi
(iv) None of these

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There is a limit ........... everything in life...?

(i) To
(ii) On

(iii) In
(iv) With

Best of Luck


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