Choose the correct sentence that best represents the reported speech: They said, "We take exercise every day"...? Mcqs

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Choose the correct sentence that best represents the reported speech: They said, "We take exercise every day"...?

(i) They said that we take exercise every day
(ii) They said that they take exercise every day

(iii) They had said that they take exercise every day
(iv) They said that they took exercise every day

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What is synonym of Husbandry...?

(i) Business
(ii) Illicit

(iii) Rules
(iv) Agriculture

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Choose the correct sentence. He writes better than me....?

(i) He writes better than mine
(ii) He writes better than I

(iii) He writes well than me
(iv) None

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The Principal will preside ______ the function....?

(i) Over
(ii) From

(iii) With
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of Bonhomie______________...?

(i) Affability
(ii) Big

(iii) Turbulent
(iv) Grope

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Air is to fly as water is to...?

(i) Float
(ii) Swim

(iii) Sink
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of WARY is _____________...?

(i) Heedless
(ii) Negligent

(iii) Prudent
(iv) Reckless

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One who studies/knows foreign languages...?

(i) Linguist
(ii) Bilingual

(iii) Polyglot
(iv) Multilingual

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Synonym of ” Plunder ” is _____________...?

(i) Loot
(ii) Blush

(iii) Expedite
(iv) Ease

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Synonym of “impregnable” is ___________....?

(i) vulnerable
(ii) full

(iii) unconquerable
(iv) stern

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