Choose the correct sentenceYou had better looked for some other options...? Mcqs

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Choose the correct sentenceYou had better looked for some other options...?

(i) You had better looked for some other options
(ii) You had better looking for some other options

(iii) You had better looked to some other options
(iv) You had better look for some other options

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A computer on the internet is identified by:...?

(i) E-mail address
(ii) Street address

(iii) IP address
(iv) None of the above

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After sleeping for a 100 years, he again woke up:...?

(i) Hazrat Uzair (AS)
(ii) Hazrat Musa (AS)

(iii) Hazrat Salih (AS)
(iv) None of above

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'IBN Battutah' a famous traveler belonged to...?

(i) Iran
(ii) Syria

(iii) Morocco
(iv) Indonessia

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What was the profession of the President of Ukraine before he became president...?

(i) Actor
(ii) Comedian

(iii) Lawyer
(iv) Teacher

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Mocenthons was the minister of:...?

(i) Napoleon
(ii) Churchill

(iii) Alexander
(iv) None of these

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Which company gifted “cornflakes” to the world...?

(i) Pepsi foods
(ii) Kellogg’s

(iii) McDonald’s
(iv) General foods

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Synonym of Abrogate...?

(i) Revoke
(ii) Rescind

(iii) Repeal
(iv) All of above

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Which Secretary General was from Ghana...?

(i) Burtons Ghali
(ii) Kofi Anan

(iii) Antonia Guettress
(iv) None of these

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Zanzibar is now part of which country...?

(i) Kenya
(ii) Tanzania

(iii) Uganda
(iv) Mozambique

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