Choose the correct spelling from the following ....? Mcqs

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Choose the correct spelling from the following ....?

(i) Superintendent
(ii) Superitendent

(iii) Superintanden
(iv) Supreintandent

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_________ is the best eatable thing mentioned in the Holy Qur’an....?

(i) Dabino
(ii) Honey

(iii) Water melon
(iv) Milk

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Book ‘Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid’ is written by __________...?

(i) Nelson Mandela
(ii) K. K. Aziz

(iii) Jimmy Carter
(iv) John J. Mearsheimer

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The velocity of sound in air at sea level is...?

(i) 881 meters per second
(ii) 761 meters per second

(iii) 661 meters per second
(iv) 561 meters per second

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When did Simon commission arrive in India...?

(i) 1927
(ii) 1928

(iii) 1929
(iv) 1930

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The NEWGRANGE monument is located in ___________...?

(i) Ireland
(ii) Netherlands

(iii) London
(iv) England

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Mancher lake situated in...?

(i) Sawat
(ii) Dadu

(iii) Jamshoro
(iv) Gilgit

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Which is 2nd largest producer of oil...?

(i) Saudi Arab
(ii) Russia

(iii) China
(iv) USA

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_________ to used as a disk scanner in Microsoft Windows...?

(i) Disk cleanup
(ii) Disk defragmenter

(iii) Disk cleanout
(iv) Disk cleaning

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Wazir Khan Mosque is located in _______...?

(i) Islamabad
(ii) Lahore

(iii) Karachi
(iv) Quetta

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