Choose the correct spelling from the following ....? Mcqs

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Choose the correct spelling from the following ....?

(i) Superintendent
(ii) Superitendent

(iii) Superintanden
(iv) Supreintandent

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when were wine declared haraam...?

(i) 4 hijri
(ii) 6 hijri

(iii) 8 hijri
(iv) 9 hijri

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Who did Hazrat Khadija (RA) sent to ask Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) about marrying her...?

(i) Father
(ii) Mother

(iii) Brother
(iv) Uncle

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In 2023, which country experienced its largest ever political protest...?

(i) Russia
(ii) Iran

(iii) France
(iv) Brazil

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Nation of hood destroyed by ______________...?

(i) Through Flood
(ii) Continuous rain and Storm

(iii) Azaab of Mosquitoes
(iv) A Dreadful Earthquake

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According to Population, Pakistan is ________ largest country in the world...?

(i) 4th
(ii) 5th

(iii) 6th
(iv) 7th

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Choose one correct sentence: She is more prettier than her sister...?

(i) She is prettier than her sister
(ii) She is most prettier than her sister

(iii) She has prettier than her sister
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of Fable is...?

(i) Allegory
(ii) Truth

(iii) sense
(iv) None of these

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World Mental Health Day is observed every year on _____________...?

(i) October 10
(ii) October 12

(iii) October 13
(iv) October 11

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A man standing up side down with his face towards south, where will his left hand point...?

(i) East
(ii) West

(iii) North
(iv) South

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