Choose the option displaying correct spelling of the wordI managed to work for two hours without_________...? Mcqs

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Choose the option displaying correct spelling of the wordI managed to work for two hours without_________...?

(i) Interuption
(ii) Interruption

(iii) Intrupption
(iv) Interupption

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تم میرے پاس ہوتے ہو گویا جب کوئی دوسرا نہیں ہوتا یہ شعر کس کا ہے؟...?

(i) میر تقی میر
(ii) غالب

(iii) مومن خان مومن
(iv) میر درد

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Choose the correct preposition: The old is man bind ______ one eye...?

(i) to
(ii) in

(iii) of
(iv) by

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Name the girl who became the Finland’s Prime Minister for one day at the age of 16...?

(i) Sanaa Marin
(ii) Aava Murto

(iii) Emma Kari
(iv) Li Ka

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In Microsoft PowerPoint customize how the new slide appears on the screen in the slideshow is applied:...?

(i) Design
(ii) Transition

(iii) Animation
(iv) None of these

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Tarbela dam is located in:...?

(i) Mirpur
(ii) Swabi

(iii) Haripur
(iv) None of these

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A person who has an intention to offer only Umra at Meeqat is called_______...?

(i) Qaran
(ii) Mufrid

(iii) Mutamtae
(iv) None of them

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On 23rd March 1940, the Lahore Resolutionwas moved by:...?

(i) Abdullah Haroon
(ii) Nawab Ismail Khan

(iii) Maulvi FazulUl Haq
(iv) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan

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Synonym of “redoubt” is _________...?

(i) fortification
(ii) rearguard

(iii) trench
(iv) camp

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Babusar Pass connects:...?

(i) Quetta with Chamman
(ii) Abbotabad with Gilgit

(iii) Peshawar with Afghanistan
(iv) None of these

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