Choose the sentence that correctly changes the voice of the given sentence: Let the instructions be read carefully...? Mcqs

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Choose the sentence that correctly changes the voice of the given sentence: Let the instructions be read carefully...?

(i) You should read the instructions carefully
(ii) Let read the instructions carefully

(iii) I read the instructions carefully
(iv) Read the instructions carefully

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Which feature helps you to inserts the contents of the Clipboard as text without any formatting in Ms Word...?

(i) Paste Special
(ii) Format Painter

(iii) Page Setup
(iv) Styles

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Decimal form of 5.3% is:...?

(i) 53
(ii) 0.53

(iii) 0.0053
(iv) 0.053

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Who first one gave royal gift to the Holy Prophet (SAW)...?

(i) Ruler of Iran
(ii) Abul Hakam

(iii) Najashi
(iv) Abu Sufyan

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Smallest glacier in the world is ____________...?

(i) Gem
(ii) Pindari

(iii) Baltoro
(iv) Batura

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A computer application program that displays rows and columns is called:...?

(i) Spreadsheet
(ii) Register

(iii) Form
(iv) Box

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Block chain technology is used in:...?

(i) Digital media
(ii) Cryptocurrency

(iii) Paper currency
(iv) None of these

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When did India repeal the Kashmir Status Act...?

(i) 05 August 2019
(ii) 31 August 2019

(iii) 10 January 2020
(iv) None of these

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________ Is The Capital of Iraq....?

(i) Islamabad
(ii) Baghdad

(iii) Tehran
(iv) London

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Who was the first CM of Punjab province..?

(i) Abdur rab Nishtar
(ii) Muhammad Hussain

(iii) Iftikhar Hussain Memdoot
(iv) French Muslim football star zedane

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