Choose the synonym Retaliation...? Mcqs

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Choose the synonym Retaliation...?

(i) Revenge
(ii) Pardon

(iii) Condonation
(iv) None of these

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INEBRIATE means...?

(i) Dreamy
(ii) Stupefied

(iii) Unsteady
(iv) Drunken

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ناول کا نام کس زبان سے لیا گیا ہے ؟...?

(i) یونانی
(ii) انگریزی

(iii) اطالوی
(iv) ہندوستانی

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Lahore resolution of '23rd March 1940' was seconded from Sindh Province by...?

(i) Begum Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(ii) Chaudhri Khaliq Uz Zaman

(iii) Abdullah Haroon
(iv) Nawab Muhammad Ismail

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Equivocal means...?

(i) Clear
(ii) Confusing

(iii) Delayed
(iv) Permanent

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The most powerful space telescope ever launched is __________...?

(i) Hubble Space Telescope
(ii) James Webb Space Telescope

(iii) Kepler Space Telescope
(iv) Voyager 1

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White ball ______ for the first time in the 1992 cricket world cup...?

(i) used
(ii) was used

(iii) had used
(iv) had been used

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Change the narratlon: The old lady said to her son, "Is it not your duty to help me in my old age?"

(i) The old lady asked her son if it was not his duty to help her in her old age
(ii) The old lady asked her son that was it not his duty to help her in her old age

(iii) The old lady asked her son if it were not his duty to have helped her in her old
(iv) The old lady had asked her son if it was not his duty to help her in her old age

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What is the Richter Scale used to measure...?

(i) Flood
(ii) Volcano

(iii) Earthquake
(iv) Tsunami

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Which is the longest river of Pakistan...?

(i) Euclid47
(ii) Jhelum

(iii) Indus
(iv) Sutlej

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