Choose the word similar in meaning to the given word Subjugate...? Mcqs

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Choose the word similar in meaning to the given word Subjugate...?

(i) Confuse
(ii) Conquer

(iii) Cause to wither
(iv) None of these

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United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security established in which year...?

(i) 1997
(ii) 1998

(iii) 1999
(iv) 2000

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Father_________ me not to go out in the cold...?

(i) Adviced
(ii) Advised

(iii) Advice
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following inventions is the oldest...?

(i) Clock
(ii) Microscope

(iii) Barometer
(iv) Cycle

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Liaqut Nehru pact was signed between india and Pakistan on...?

(i) 8 April 1950
(ii) 8 April 1955

(iii) 8 April 1964
(iv) None of these

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Peljeski Bridge located in:...?

(i) Croatia
(ii) Bosnia

(iii) Paris
(iv) Sarajevo

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How many characters in ASCII 8-bit code can represent?...?

(i) 1000 characters
(ii) 390 characters

(iii) 156 characters
(iv) 256 characters

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In MS Excel, we can not edit the contents of a cell by:...?

(i) Pressing the Alt key
(ii) Clicking the formula bar

(iii) Pressing the F2 key
(iv) Double clicking the cell

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The world's oldest written language is...?

(i) Chinese
(ii) Japanese

(iii) Cambodian
(iv) Latin

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Which Article of the Constitution provides the freedom of association and the right to form unions?...?

(i) 17
(ii) 05

(iii) 91
(iv) 73

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