Cinnamon air is the airline of which country...? Mcqs

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Cinnamon air is the airline of which country...?

(i) Somalia
(ii) Iran

(iii) Iraq
(iv) Srilanka

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Ashgabat is the capital of which country...?

(i) Azerbaijan
(ii) Portugal

(iii) Turkmenistan
(iv) Tajikistan

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Which among the following is a len bank tributary of the Indus river...?

(i) Zanskar
(ii) Gilgit

(iii) Shyok
(iv) Kabul

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Which is introduced by Zia ul haq:...?

(i) Army Act
(ii) Hudood Ordinance

(iii) Police Act
(iv) None of these

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Smart card is:...?

(i) Processing unit for software handling
(ii) Processing unit contains memory for storing data

(iii) Microprocessor cards
(iv) None of these

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To start a slide show in PowerPoint we press _____...?

(i) F6
(ii) F4

(iii) F5
(iv) F3

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خطبہ آلہ آباد کب دیا گیا۔۔۔؟

(i) 29 DEC 1930
(ii) 27 DEC 1930

(iii) 22 DEC 1931
(iv) DEC 1932

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A woman's voice is shriller than a man's voice, due to:...?

(i) Higher frequency
(ii) Lower frequency

(iii) Higher amplitude
(iv) Weak vocal chords

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Synonym of “stodgy” is _________...?

(i) sturdy
(ii) dull

(iii) blunt
(iv) obstinate

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Synonym of “savanna” is _________...?

(i) grassland
(ii) harbour

(iii) garment
(iv) mat

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