"Communist Manifesto" was written by:...? Mcqs

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"Communist Manifesto" was written by:...?

(i) Friedrich Engels and karl Marx
(ii) Engels

(iii) Jointly by Marx and Engels
(iv) None of these

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Which is the most populous continent...?

(i) Africa
(ii) Europe

(iii) Asia
(iv) None of these

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Area of Karakum Desert Sq Miles is ________...?

(i) 350,000
(ii) 140,000

(iii) 135,000
(iv) 340,000

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Synonym of Prolix...?

(i) To promote
(ii) To Prolong

(iii) To proactive
(iv) To Provide

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Which prophet is called as Naji ullah...?

(i) Hazrat Musa (AS)
(ii) Hazrat Essa (AS)

(iii) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)
(iv) Hazrat Noah (AS)

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When did the battle of camel take place...?

(i) 30 A.H.
(ii) 34 A.H.

(iii) 36 A.H.
(iv) 38 A.H.

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The first Princely state to accede to Pakistan after partition was...?

(i) Swat
(ii) Deer

(iii) Hunza
(iv) Bahawalpur

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Mancher lake situated in...?

(i) Sawat
(ii) Dadu

(iii) Jamshoro
(iv) Gilgit

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Which shortcut key inserts a new slide in current presentation...?

(i) Ctrl+N
(ii) Ctrl+M

(iii) Ctrl+S
(iv) None of above

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what is 0.004 * 0.5 ...?

(i) 0.2
(ii) 0.02

(iii) 0.002
(iv) 0.0002

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