______ computer are of large size...? Mcqs

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______ computer are of large size...?

(i) Mainframe computers
(ii) Micro computers

(iii) Super computers
(iv) None of these

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Name the Nafli Salat which can be Offered after sunrise till one fourth of the day...?

(i) Chasht
(ii) Ishraq

(iii) Salat Tasbeeh
(iv) Tahajjud

Latest MCQs

A student obtain 75%, 80% and 85% in three subjects, if the marks of another subject are added then the number can't be less than...?

(i) 60%
(ii) 70%

(iii) 80%
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

How many days Hazrat Younus AS remained in the abdomen of fish...?

(i) 10 days
(ii) 20 days

(iii) 30 days
(iv) 40 days

Latest MCQs

When you transport something by Ship, it’s called ____________...?

(i) Consignment
(ii) Cargo

(iii) Shipment
(iv) Transportation

Latest MCQs

The term Paper Gold is associated with...?

(i) Deficit Budgeting...?
(ii) Special Drawing Rights in international monetary

(iii) Special facility for World Bank
(iv) Gold Standard

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What is the term used to denote the unauthorized and illegal accessing of computer program, often with criminal intent...?

(i) Virus
(ii) Plagiarism

(iii) Hacking
(iv) Breach

Latest MCQs

Kohinoor diamond was given to Queen Victoria in 1849 by _________....?

(i) Maharaja Hari Singh
(ii) Maharaja Dileep Singh

(iii) Ibrahim Lodhi
(iv) Aurangzeb

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مسجد قرطبہ کس کی مشہور نظم ہے؟...?

(i) علامہ اقبال
(ii) ن م راشد

(iii) جوش ملیح آبادی
(iv) empty

Latest MCQs

Sir Vivian Richards Stadium is located in: __________...?

(i) The USA
(ii) South Africa

(iii) Antigua and Barbuda
(iv) New Zealand

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