Correct the sentence according to punctuation: Why don’t you get this...? Mcqs

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Correct the sentence according to punctuation: Why don’t you get this...?

(i) why don’t you got this
(ii) Why don’t you get this

(iii) Why don’t got this
(iv) Why don’t you got this

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Paediatrics is relevant to...?

(i) Children
(ii) Pregnant Women

(iii) Old People
(iv) Bones

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A male is coffined / wrapped in _______ dressed sheets....?

(i) 1
(ii) 2

(iii) 3
(iv) 4

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The inner core of an optical fiber is __________ in composition...?

(i) Glass or plastic
(ii) Copper

(iii) Bimetallic
(iv) Liquid

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Gandhi-Jinnah talks were held in 1944 to discuss the C,R Formula, prepared by:...?

(i) Raja Gopal Acharia
(ii) V,P Menon

(iii) Abu-al-Kalam Azad
(iv) Lord Wavall

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Choose the analogy of words written in capital letters. Lion: Roar...?

(i) Snake: Slither
(ii) Goat: Bleat

(iii) Lizard: Crawl
(iv) Elephant: Tusk

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Information on a hard disk is usually backed- up using a?...?

(i) CD
(ii) Magnetic tape

(iii) Floppy disk
(iv) All of these

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On 8th Zil-Hajj stay at Mina is said to be ___________...?

(i) Yum-e- Arafat
(ii) Yum-e- Tarvia

(iii) Tawaf-e-Wadoom
(iv) None of these

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In 1846 the British sold Kashmir to Dogra Maharaja Gulab Singh for an amount of...?

(i) 55 Lacs
(ii) 65 Lacs

(iii) 70 Lacs
(iv) 75 Lacs

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Zaboor is revealed in ___________ language...?

(i) Hebrew
(ii) Siriac

(iii) Arabic
(iv) Farsi

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