Cryptography is a technique where data is secure and immune from...? Mcqs

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Cryptography is a technique where data is secure and immune from...?

(i) Changes
(ii) Defense

(iii) Risk
(iv) Alak

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Number of hadiths narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira R.A...?

(i) 5356
(ii) 5374

(iii) 5378
(iv) 5837

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Common methods of Internet access by users include:...?

(i) Broadband over coaxial cable
(ii) Fiber optics or copper wires

(iii) WI-FI
(iv) All of these

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Synonym of uncivilized is...?

(i) Intelligent
(ii) Energetic

(iii) Observant
(iv) Coarse

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The part of prayer the Holy Prophet ﷺ did is called_____________...?

(i) Farz
(ii) Wajib

(iii) Nafl
(iv) Sunnat

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What is the corrected version of the sentence: One should do one’s duty...?

(i) One should do their duties.
(ii) One should do one's duty.

(iii) One should do duties.
(iv) One should do one duty.

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A Leadership Odyssey was written by...?

(i) Sikandar Hayat
(ii) Stanley Wolpert

(iii) Muhammad Waseem
(iv) Ayesha Jalal

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Who got the honor of writing the first preface to Bad Ng Dara?...?

(i) Maulana Hali
(ii) Sarras Masood

(iii) Sheikh Abdul Qadir
(iv) Javed Iqbal

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Which of the following is not a PowerPoint view...?

(i) Slide show view
(ii) Slide view

(iii) Presentation view
(iv) Outline view

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Flag of Red Cross is the reverse of the flag of...?

(i) Germany
(ii) Switzerland

(iii) England
(iv) Sweden

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