Ctrl + R Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to_____________...? Mcqs

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Ctrl + R Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to_____________...?

(i) Re-Open the last closed document
(ii) Re-Print the last printed page

(iii) Re-Apply the last paragraph formatting
(iv) Right align the selected Paragraph

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Programs stored in ROM are called:...?

(i) Fireware
(ii) Formware

(iii) None of these
(iv) Firmware

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According to which amendment suspended Constitution of 1973 was restored...?

(i) 7th Amendment
(ii) 8th Amendment

(iii) 9th Amendment
(iv) 10th Amendment

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In which Surah of the Holy Quran Bismillah is added twice:...?

(i) Surah Baqarah
(ii) Surah Namal

(iii) Surah Yaseen
(iv) None of these

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Karakoram Highway built with the help of which country...?

(i) US
(ii) UK

(iii) China
(iv) Iran

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Choose the best antonym: PEJORATIVE...?

(i) Defamatory
(ii) Adulatory

(iii) Symbolic
(iv) Logical

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Jannat-ul-Baqi is situated in...?

(i) Taif
(ii) Madina

(iii) Makkah
(iv) Muzdalfa

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What is the meaning of Shoot in Islam?...?

(i) One tawaf of Kaaba
(ii) Two tawaf of Kaaba

(iii) Three tawaf of Kaaba
(iv) Four tawaf of Kaaba

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Far Sightedness can be corrected by:...?

(i) Convex lens
(ii) Concave lens

(iii) Bi Focal lens
(iv) None of these

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Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Anomalous...?

(i) Usual
(ii) Connected

(iii) Vicious
(iv) None of these

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