“Ctrl + Up Arrow” Shortcut key is used in Microsoft Word to____________...? Mcqs

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“Ctrl + Up Arrow” Shortcut key is used in Microsoft Word to____________...?

(i) Moves the cursor one page up
(ii) Moves the cursor one line up

(iii) Moves the cursor one screen up
(iv) Moves the cursor one paragraph up

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Indus Waters treaty was signed on 19 september 1960 between India and Pakistan is related to which problem...?

(i) Border
(ii) Water

(iii) Refugees
(iv) None of these

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The page orientation can be in ___ style ...?

(i) Landscape
(ii) Portrait

(iii) Landscape and Portrait
(iv) Digital speed line

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To "give up the ghost" means _____...?

(i) To abandon a plan
(ii) To give up hope

(iii) To stop trying
(iv) To leave a place

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Web browser stores previous information for web pages is termed as ______...?

(i) Auto complete
(ii) Feed

(iii) Web slices
(iv) None of these

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Hazrat Khadija and Hazrat Abu Talib died in ...?

(i) 618 A.D
(ii) 619 A.D

(iii) 620 A.D
(iv) 621 A.D

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In PowerPoint, the difference between Slide Design and Auto Content Wizard is:...?

(i) Both are same
(ii) Auto Content Wizard is version of Slide

(iii) Slide Design don't samplecontent but Auto Content Wizardcontains-
(iv) Slide Design asks your choice in steps

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The Queen who had the nick name “Bloody Mary” is ...?

(i) Mary I
(ii) Elizabeth I

(iii) Victoria I
(iv) None of these

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What is the full form of SQL...?

(i) Structured Query Language
(ii) Structured Query List

(iii) Simple Query Language
(iv) None of these

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Who wrote the novel “Pride and Prejudice”...?

(i) George Orwell
(ii) Charles Dickens

(iii) Jane Austen
(iv) George Eliot

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