Cue, bolting and break terms are associated with which game:...? Mcqs

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Cue, bolting and break terms are associated with which game:...?

(i) Volleyball
(ii) Snooker

(iii) Billiards
(iv) Polo

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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded in...?

(i) 1942
(ii) 1943

(iii) 1944
(iv) 1945

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Which function displays row data into column or column data into a row?...?

(i) Hyperlink
(ii) Index

(iii) Transpose
(iv) Rows

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Which country has most number of universities in the world...?

(i) United States of America
(ii) China

(iii) India
(iv) Germany

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Daughter of Umer who married to Prophet was ...?

(i) Ayesha
(ii) Summaya

(iii) Fatima
(iv) Hafsa

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________was a prominent Punjabi folk music singer of Pakistan, credited with popularizing the musical term Jugni...?

(i) Inayut Hussain Bhatti
(ii) Tufail Niazi

(iii) Alam Lohar
(iv) None of these

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Which city will host NATO Summit 2024...?

(i) Washington, D. C
(ii) New York city

(iii) Warsaw
(iv) Berlin

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The Capital of Libya is:...?

(i) Kathmandu
(ii) Brasilia

(iii) Tripoli
(iv) None of these

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Benazir Bhutto was assassinated on _____...?

(i) December 27, 2007
(ii) December 26, 2007

(iii) December 25, 2007
(iv) None of these

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What lets you to create new presentation by selecting ready-made font color and graphics affects in PowerPoint?...?

(i) Presentation Template
(ii) Master slide

(iii) Design Template
(iv) Animation Scheme

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