Diamond is the form of...? Mcqs

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Diamond is the form of...?

(i) Carbon
(ii) Iron

(iii) Aluminium
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “senescent” is _________...?

(i) sensitive
(ii) ageing

(iii) sleepy
(iv) sweet smelling

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Renowned novelist Ernest Hemingway belonged to:...?

(i) England
(ii) Syria

(iii) America
(iv) Columbia

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The biggest hypocrite was in Madina...?

(i) talha
(ii) abdullah bin Abi.

(iii) Mussab bin Umair
(iv) Abdull Rehman

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In which Surah of the Holy Quran the name of Allah repeated only five times...?

(i) An’am
(ii) Hajj

(iii) Maryam
(iv) Mu’meen

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What is the meaning of Zarb-e-Azb...?

(i) Long Strike & Swift
(ii) Swift & Sharp Strike

(iii) Fast Strike & Sharp
(iv) Sharp & Cutting Strike

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3 May is observed Internationally as _________....?

(i) Labour Day
(ii) Environment Day

(iii) Earth Day
(iv) Press Freedom Day

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Phases of the moon occur because...?

(i) only that part of the moon which reflects light
(ii) Our distance from the moon keeps changing

(iii) The thickness of the moon's atmosphere
(iv) The shadow of the Earth covers only a part of moon

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Synonym of “iota” is _________...?

(i) something owed
(ii) ancient coin

(iii) small amount
(iv) punctuation mark

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An accomplice means any person who is:...?

(i) Public Officer
(ii) Complainant

(iii) A guilty associate or a partner in crime
(iv) Police Officer

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