Divide 350 into two parts in the way that on exceeds the other by 4:...? Mcqs

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Divide 350 into two parts in the way that on exceeds the other by 4:...?

(i) 180, 170
(ii) 185, 165

(iii) 174, 176
(iv) 173, 177

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…………… is a standard Windows control that displays the percentage of completion of a particular process as a graphical bar...?

(i) Progress Bar
(ii) Address bar

(iii) Menu bar
(iv) None

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Synonym of BEMOAN is ___________ ...?

(i) Denounce
(ii) Lament

(iii) Soothe
(iv) Loathe

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_____________ Umm-ul-Momineen received salutation from Allah....?

(i) Hazrat Ayesha (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Khadija (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Maria Qibtiya (RA)
(iv) Hazrat Safia (RA)

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Kitab-ul-Assar is compiled by__________...?

(i) Imam Abu Hanifah (RA)
(ii) Imam Shafi (RA)

(iii) Imam Malik (RA)
(iv) Imam Humbal (RA)

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The function of Hazrat Mekael (AS) is to_____________...?

(i) Make rain and supply of food to Allah’s creatures.
(ii) Take out the souls of life bearing creatures.

(iii) Brings Allah’s message and commands to his prophets (AS)
(iv) Blow the trumpet on the day of judgment.

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Warsa pact was dissolved in _____________...?

(i) 1991
(ii) 1990

(iii) 1980
(iv) 1970

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The Foreign Phrase 'De Fecto' Means...?

(i) Rightful
(ii) Infact

(iii) Turkey
(iv) Chile

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She ______ for the upcoming tennis tournament...?

(i) trains
(ii) is going to train

(iii) is training
(iv) will train

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Which prayer is not obligatory for women...?

(i) Maghrib prayer
(ii) Isha prayer

(iii) Juma prayer
(iv) Fajir prayer

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