During a race, a race car burns fuel at a constant rate. After 4th lap 4 the car has 22 gallons left in its tank. After 7th lap, the car has 18 gallons left in its tank. Assuming the racecar does not refuel then how many laps are made at the end...? Mcqs

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During a race, a race car burns fuel at a constant rate. After 4th lap 4 the car has 22 gallons left in its tank. After 7th lap, the car has 18 gallons left in its tank. Assuming the racecar does not refuel then how many laps are made at the end...?

(i) 10
(ii) 12

(iii) 14
(iv) 16

Latest MCQs

What is the branch of biology that deals with organisms living in the oceans...?

(i) Marine Zoology
(ii) Marine Biology

(iii) Oceanography
(iv) Aquatic Biology

Latest MCQs

Where the biggest Salt Mine located in Pakistan ...?

(i) Mangora
(ii) Jhelum

(iii) Sawat
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Saba is the news agency of _________....?

(i) Indonesia
(ii) Syria

(iii) Yemen
(iv) Jordan

Latest MCQs

Where is the grave of Hazrat Loot (A.S)...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Lebanon

(iii) Saudi Arabia
(iv) Iraq

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Find the average of 8 13 25 43 and 11...?

(i) 20
(ii) 32

(iii) 27
(iv) 19

Latest MCQs

What is the Capital city of Jamaica...?

(i) Kingston
(ii) Berlin

(iii) Khartoum
(iv) Kuala Lumpur

Latest MCQs

In the Provincial Electrinos of 1937 , All India Muslim League won largest number of seats in the ...?

(i) United provinces (UP)
(ii) Sindh Province

(iii) Punjab Province
(iv) Central Provinces (CP)

Latest MCQs

Smart card is:...?

(i) Processing unit for software handling
(ii) Processing unit contains memory for storing data

(iii) Microprocessor cards
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Hazrat Musa A.S was granted ________ miracles....?

(i) 6
(ii) 7

(iii) 8
(iv) 9

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