During World War II, when did Germany attack France ...? Mcqs

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During World War II, when did Germany attack France ...?

(i) 1941
(ii) 1940

(iii) 1942
(iv) 1945

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Which of the following mountains separate Asia from Europe...?

(i) Ural Mountains
(ii) Hindukush Mountains

(iii) Alps Mountains
(iv) None of these

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When Imam Ghazali died:...?

(i) 500 Hijri
(ii) 503 Hijri

(iii) 505 Hijri
(iv) None of these

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___________was the hardest form of revelation...?

(i) In form of Dreams
(ii) Behind the Curtain

(iii) Ringing Bells
(iv) None of these

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The Lahore Resolution was supported by Qazi Muhammad Isa from the province of...?

(i) Punjab
(ii) Sindh

(iii) KPK
(iv) Baluchistan

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The last ruler of Ottoman Empire was:...?

(i) Abdul Amjeed II
(ii) Sultan Ahmad

(iii) Sultan Mehmood
(iv) None of these

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The pre-requisite to be a Muslim is...?

(i) Just recitation of Kalimah
(ii) Just understanding Kalimah

(iii) Both of these
(iv) None of these

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Change narration: They are thanked their guests...?

(i) The guest said their host thank you
(ii) The guest told to their host thank you

(iii) The guest said to their host thank you
(iv) They thanked their guests

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The effective 'Zakat' system can ensure the elimination of...?

(i) Poverty
(ii) Interest

(iii) Class distinctionn
(iv) Ignorance

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In MS PowerPoint record slide show can record:...?

(i) Slide and animation timings
(ii) Gestures

(iii) Laser Pointer
(iv) None of these

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