End of War of Independence 1857 was officially declared in...? Mcqs

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End of War of Independence 1857 was officially declared in...?

(i) August 1858
(ii) September 1858

(iii) October 1858
(iv) November 1858

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M-8 Motorway is from ....?

(i) Lahore to Multan
(ii) Ratodero to Sukkar

(iii) Ratodero to Gawadar
(iv) None of these

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Shortcut key for page break in MS Word:...?

(i) Ctrl+Enter
(ii) Ctrl+Space

(iii) Shift+Enter
(iv) None of these

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Antonym of SINGULAR is...?

(i) Common
(ii) Social

(iii) Dull
(iv) Ancient

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What was the language of Arab people...?

(i) Persian
(ii) English

(iii) French
(iv) Arabic

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Ctrl + V Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to ______...?

(i) Paste Texts in the beginning of Document
(ii) Paste Images in the beginning of Document

(iii) Paste Tables at the middle of Document
(iv) None of these

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The order of appearance of Surah Al-Kahf in the Holy Quran is___________...?

(i) 16
(ii) 18

(iii) 20
(iv) 37

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Glacier is a ......... sheet of ice...?

(i) Fast Moving
(ii) Slow Moving

(iii) Static
(iv) None of these

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Which one is not the principle of New World Order...?

(i) Territorial Integrity
(ii) Human Rights

(iii) Peaceful Engagement
(iv) War on terrorism

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Pakistan lies in which tropic zone...?

(i) Tropic of Cancer
(ii) Torrid zone

(iii) Tropic of Capricorn
(iv) Tropic of rain

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