Entomology is the scientific study of ______...? Mcqs

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Entomology is the scientific study of ______...?

(i) Humans
(ii) Insects

(iii) Rocks
(iv) Birds

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Animal without red blood cells...?

(i) Frog
(ii) Earthworm

(iii) Peacock
(iv) Snake

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Another name of Masjid e Quba is ___________...?

(i) Masjid e Ibrahim
(ii) Masjid e Taqwa

(iii) Masjid e Nimra
(iv) Masjid e Hilal

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Select the most suitable antonym for: Tangible...?

(i) Solid
(ii) Weak

(iii) Concrete
(iv) Abstract

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Which Saudi King came to Pakistan in 19747...?

(i) King Abdul Aziz
(ii) King Faisal

(iii) King Abdullah
(iv) King Fahad

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Who used to write down every word of the Holy Prophet SAW speech...?

(i) Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umer R.A
(ii) Hazrat Abu Hrrairah R.A

(iii) Hazrat Zaid Bin Sabit R.A
(iv) Hazrat Usman Bin Zaid R.A

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Who was Punjab's first Inspector General, Police...?

(i) Mian Anwar All
(ii) AB awan

(iii) S.N Alam
(iv) Qurban Ali Khan

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The number of boys in a class is three times the number of girls. Which one of the following numbers cannot represent the total number of children in the class...?

(i) 48
(ii) 44

(iii) 42
(iv) 40

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When was the Kashmir issue taken to the United Nations by India...?

(i) 26 January 1949
(ii) 01 January 1948

(iii) 15 August 1947
(iv) None of these

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Madness: Brain :: Paralysis:...?

(i) Nerves
(ii) Body

(iii) Hands
(iv) Veins

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